One of my best friends has a tattoo on her arm that says “Real Is Rare” and I think that phrase is so powerful. Recently I have been seeing just how true this is. I think an important part of self care is having amazing people by your side that support you no matter what. Those are the people that are going to encourage you to get out of bed and do something. It doesn’t matter if you have 10 friends or 1, finding someone real makes all the difference. Back in the day I found myself always being disappointed by my friends and I never really even felt like they were my friends. I thought that was a normal friendship. A friend is someone who will always be by your side and encourages you to be a better person. You will never start to improve yourself if your surrounded with people who don‘t even deserve to be your friend. So if you could work on something right now, I would say find people who are real. You might already have that person, and if you do that’s great! Never let them go. But if you don’t, search for them. The moment you find people who truly care about you, you will feel significant. I know this was a quick little post, but I just want to express my importance of having people in your life that will guide you instead of dragging you down.
Lexi Estep